Apr 11, 2024

The Adelaide and Meath Hospital 2007 Report

The Adelaide and Meath Hospital 2007 Report

The Adelaide and Meath Hospital 2007 Report

The programme of art sessions for patients in the Renal Dialysis Unit has gone from strength to strength. In 2007 we were significantly funded by Punchestown Kidney Research Fund. Gillian Field is Art Co-ordinator in the Renal Dialysis Unit and there are now a number of sessions every week for patients attending the Dialysis Unit. The funding has enabled us to develop the project, expand the number of sessions available and recruit a number of artist volunteers to assist Gillian.

A painting done by one of the patients of The Adelaide and Meath Hospital, as a part of the art programme.

During 2007 the Arts Office produced a manual of best practise regarding art in Renal Dialysis units. This was circulated to every Dialysis Unit in the country. We also installed a major art work in the hospital canteen, made up of over eighty hand painted birds. Patients on the unit contributed to this hospital wide art project and the result was a glorious array of colour which cheered up the canteen.

The installation of birds hanging in the canteen.

Patients in the unit also contributed to the Arts Office calendar. Four patients who have been painting and attending the unit now for three years said that the art sessions in the hospital, "have enhanced our lives and helped us in coping with the drudgery of life on dialysis."

We are delighted that Punchestown Kidney Research Fund are continuing their funding which enables us to hold a National Training Day during 2008 for artists and health care professionals who are interested in the role of Art in the Renal Dialysis Unit. We will also hold a major exhibition of patients' work in September 2008.

A part of the 2007 exhibition.

For more information visit The Adelaide and Meath Hospital website, under Adminstration Departments - Arts, or read this excellent article in A Kilkullen Diary.